Friday, July 11, 2008

Personality Test!Soul Searching

Last week, Chee Onn given me some assessment for a personality test which divided to four groups of profile, the popular sanguine, the powerful choleric, the perfect melancholy, and the peaceful phlegmatic. Each people have 2 of its as their domain. But surprisingly i do not dominate any of it, because i possesses all the four profiles, you can define me as a person with multi personalities or without any personality.
From the beginning of my life till now, what i experienced seem like everything hanging on the middle. Possess no specialty. Never being excellence nor too weak in my studies, never be good in sports not being a weakling. From a not too poor or extremely rich family. I wish me myself at least perfect i a field not in between, hanging and going nowhere. Being an intermediate causing me a lot of doubt, undecided choice, as struggling to be one of these group coz no one is in common with me. People might think this kind of personality is the can adapt with everyone but someone it isn't easy, you are not yourself and you not belong to the group.

1 comment:

Jyon said...

somehow you have all the 4! i dunno why. and yes u do not dominate any. how weird. mebbe you think too much and over analyse things.
you are already in great shape. there are many people who are not as lucky as you there. its "you see me good, i see you good". come out more often. i am free for makan anytime :)