Friday, January 18, 2008

The Egg 2

As I said before, it's the time for me to post out my daily report regarding the growth of seed in the egg.


The day i break the egg shell.
Since that day, I constantly pour water into the egg. Hope that the seed will growth. Day to day I wait, but nothing happen, but i still didn't give up with it. Out of so many egg, none of it grow, not even the one Karen gave to her friend.
With little hope, finally after a week, 7 days passed, something happened!!!
The seed is growing, it's popping out from the egg, even the root growing out from the bottom of the shell.

from the back view, you can see the seed is growing and the skin of the seed is partially out as well the root.
Here the front view, the shell still good condition.
From the partially out skin, you can see a part of the symbol out, wonder what is it?

Within a day, it grow much taller d.
the symbol is getting more significant, yet what actually the symbol is?
It's taken after 12am. Finally can see the symbol d. Is a shape of flower. What do that mean?
Yes, the other side has some wording la. Can only see the last word "ni" which mean you in Chinese. Wonder what is the full sentence mean?

Can you see the different in height? Just few hours only it grow so tall. Taken at 10am
Another angle of the egg plant.


Gosh!!! Getting taller la. As if non stop growing.
The words revealed "wo ai ni" which mean i love you.
Bie, I love you too.

The skin removed from the seed. And the leaf popped out.Nearer and cleared view of the seed.
Another angle of view.

Still growing. Taken during around 1am
See the height, around 25cm tall.
Ops!!It bend to mirror side. To the source of light.
Can you read?
There will be more leafs soon.
The skin, still can see the word "ni".

This is the result of the seed. I wonder how tall will it grow?


Small leafs growing between the two big leafs
The word still clear.
Already end of 2nd week since the shell been break.


Bend toward the direction of sun light
From a tiny small seed, you gain such a big leaf.

The word still readable though the it a bit shrinking in size.
Now it's taller that a 30cm ruler.

Tada!!! the belly dancer shape.Thanks to me coz i rotate it everyday for avoid bending into 1 direction only.

Here the pictures of 9 days non stop observation.
Scared if the plant keep growing, and the egg can't support it.
Thank you waiting patiently!!!


nissy said...

That is so sweet!
But the plant is a bit scary; so big!

yieng said...

my goodness! too banyak report on your plant la..wonder how much time it took you to load so many photos up..