Monday, November 2, 2009


I heard that when there is an interaction, there is the conflict! We communicate, we talk, we voice out our thought regardless of verbally or non verbally. The there is different opinion or miscommunication, the conflict rises.

Well, living together with various type of people from different background, different lifestyle isn't a easy thing. Moreover, when there is a gap in term of mindset.

Ok, guess i should stop beating around the bush and straight to the point. Lately, there were more and more conflicts rise between us. Including me myself. Being the frustrated one and the one who been frustrated. A disagreed with B, B dissatisfied with C, C frustrated with E and F, D angry with A, and...... Some of them voiced up and some of kept quite and kept it in themselves.

Everyone kept pointing out their fingers here and there, including me myself. Everyone keen to think they are right. And yet we forget to reflect ourselves. Quick conclusion and sarcasm was the main reason of conflict!

I don't say that i am very good. I admit myself is one of them. Yet, sometime people just think they are always right. Trying to correct others.

Compromising isn't a good think to practice. How long can a people endure the own dissatisfaction? I am sorry to say, as a Buddhist, i failed to practice Buddhism. Guess i have wasted all the effort of fellow incovarians,the committees, and the speakers who tried to enlighten me about delusion.

Relationship between human kind is something too complex for me. Especially when we were expecting something from someone and turn out to be vice-versa.

Just take my relationships as an example. I was so into a person who barely care much about me. While there was someone who so keen to be with me. Plus there were so many confessions toward me and yet, i rejected them. I know the feeling of being ignored by someone who wanted so much. I know it, it just that i am helpless. And when such complication appeared, so do the conflict. (*this is the past. please don't ask)

But, survey from Reader Digest shows that the second most pleasurable thing is companion/friends beside sex. Hmm.... We prefer hanging out with friend rather than being alone. But hanging out with friends created conflict!


It's About Food said...

"If you can't change the world, change yourself." - unknown

That's was i think too.

Mervin said...

yaya... that what i am trying to do so. But...hehe