Sunday, January 24, 2010

Proud or Ashamed?

Hmm... i actually didn't update my blog for weeks. Why? well, i don't want to explain in detail. As what IS post on his blog before, " the time spend on the internet/blog proportional to your degree of boredom"
That is not the key point of this blog.xDD

Lately, i have more and more German friends. And the question they surely ask is "where are you from?" at i will just said "Malaysia". From time to time they will ask about the Malaysia's culture, life......

Well, as Malaysian (i take myself as pure Malaysian, though some might disagree) i tried to promote my home country. Letting them know the beauty of "my homeland" (some don't think so). The beached, the cities,.....these and that.... blablabla.....

BUT, i guess what i did is useless.

The perspective of the world toward Malaysia is so bad when it come to HUMAN RIGHT! Cases like human trafficking, child abuse, discrimination, and corruption were known for years! Lately, the case Mongolian girl, the ISA case of Hindraf, Anwar's case.........
AND now, the "name of GOD" issue. I would not like to make any comment of these cases in this blog. Because many people think that voicing out your voice is wrong. And you might ended up in somewhere else!

Last week, again! another strike by our dearly ex-leader, Dr. M who said that "the Holocaust failed as a final solution" by Malaysia Insider. More,read here

I was shock with his statement! Where he think that extermination a race is one of the solution! Malaysia is already in bad situation due the the case of religious building attack, and yet he create another tension!

If more and more of this issue pertaining HUMAN RIGHT happened in Malaysia, i guess, we should just forget about promoting Malaysia to the world! Because when people think of Malaysia, what will people think?

Just stop pointing finger! keep blaming each other when problem occurs! Why don't keep people start solving the problem who remained there unsolved!

*ps: this is not any political view or so whatever related! I am just a Malaysian who feel so sad and helpless to see what happened in my country!


Gratitude said...

Dr. M is juz a senile nyanyuk looking for ways to regain the world celeb status that he used to have. Sadly, he doesn't know how to retire gracefully and be remembered as a true statesman.

Have a great week ahead ya! ^_^

Mervin said...

agree! xDD

~eRiC~ said...

yea, sad right tengok own country turning into this way...
eh, u looked like having fun there... so nice... study abroad

Mervin said...

fun? hmm... not really, when you are living in the country with currency 5x Malaysia Ringgit, it won't be fun at all. Thinking all everything is expensive and tried to save up. Worst still if you draining up your own saving to support yourself.

Well, thank to the government who make the Malaysia ringgit so "strong" compared to other currencies!